Monday, June 12, 2006

For the sweet tooth...


You Are Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream

A classic and an original, no wonder everyone snakes your style!

You Are Mud Pie

You're the perfect combo of flavor and depth
Those who like you give into their impulses


You Are Mexican Food

Spicy yet dependable.
You pull punches, but people still love you.

Don't know what THIS is about, but I'll go with it...


They call you sticky fingers for a reason!

Now this is just gross...but true?

You Are Duck

Exotic and unusual, you are a bit of a rare bird - literally.
You're known for being soft and succulent, though at times you can be a bit greasy.


Blogger Bobby said...

And I am:

FUDGE BROWNIE ICE CREAM: You just don't know when you've had enough (or too much)!

PUMPKIN PIE: You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality
Those who like you are looking for something (someone!) special

JAPANESE FOOD: Strange yet delicious.
Contrary to popular belief, you're not always eaten raw.

REESES PEANUT BUTTER CUPS: Very popular, one of you is not enough.

FISH: You have a well formed palate and a daring appetite. If it's served to you, you'll at least try it.
People are pretty scared of your exotic ways. But once they get a taste of you, they're addicted!

1:22 PM  
Blogger Tim Rice said...

I tried the meat one and I was a fish. The first sentence is at least right. :)

4:32 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

Ooooh I am French food....I should have guessed it!

12:34 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

"You're big, burly, and maybe even a little stinky."

Is that supposed to be a compliment? I think I need to go back and change my answers so I don't end up as beef again.

2:22 PM  
Blogger Lorie said...

Yikes! :)

4:28 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I KNOW, Ok Lorie you are my official pit stop for new quizzes, don't let me down girl

7:39 PM  

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