Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Not a small thing...

Just so all my peeps are kept up-to-date:

I close on the house this Thursday! Can I just say that I'm freaking out a little tiny bit? Mostly because I've packed a grand total of, oh, four boxes to date...

And the fact that I'll be fully financially responsible for any and every mishap that may occur from here on out. But, that's what we pay the insurance company the big bucks for, right?!

God has blessed me with a friend crazy enough to live with me, er...I mean, housemate, and I look forward to getting to know her better and living life together. I'm firmly convinced that God uses roommates in the life of a single person to mold and shape them in the sanctification process. It's not always pretty, but it's always for a purpose. Last fall sometime, in our weekly home group, the other ladies and I were meeting in my living room while the guys convened in the dining room. We were sharing concerns and prayer requests and it came as something of a surprising revelation to hear that the VERY things they struggle with in their homelife with their husbands (empty toilet paper rolls, control issues, different habits/priorities/ways of doing things, lack of respect, pride) are the EXACT things I complain about with regard to my roommates! Learning to live with, respect, love and serve my roommates and how to deal with my pride and control issues now only better prepares me for all of life---including marriage. So, anyway, I'm thankful that Milli is stepping up to bat in that area. Wish her luck. Better yet, pray for the woman. :)

Growing up in Brazil, families in the church had the practice of holding a "thanksgiving service" in their home whenever there was an event of any consequence---buying a new home, someone graduating from school, recovery from illness...anytime they received what they considered a significant gift from God. It was a time to celebrate God's goodness.

I've been thinking about that custom a lot lately and wishing I didn't think people would consider me weird for suggesting doing something of the sort to christen my new abode. It is undeniable that this little piece of the planet was gifted to me by my Father. And I want it to be celebrated as such. I want my friends to pray with me that this home will always be a haven and safe place where people will know God's goodness and grace, enjoy warm hospitality, eat good food and have countless fun times.


Blogger Bobby said...

Why on earth would you think people would consider it weird?

YOU are weird, but I see nothing crazy about the custom.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you're 4 boxes ahead of me!

I'm pretty sure things are going to be a little crazy for the next couple of weeks, but hang in there, future roomie. I have felt God's hand in this process since we first started talking about moving in together and it's going to be great.

I love the idea of the Thanksgiving celebration! We must do this.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Tim Rice said...

I think you ought to hold that Thanksgiving celebration at/after such important events in life as this. Go for it!

And I prayed a blessing on you, your housemate, and your new home. May the presence of God always be found there.

I'm happy for you.

7:06 PM  
Blogger Lorie said...

Thank you, Tim.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Bethany said...

YES..host the thanksgiving party - I hosted a huge barbecue and cooked up 50 hamburgers and hotdogs when I moved into my house - people had a great time (and I had my movers pray over the house)..girl, it's a gift from God - thank Him for it with your friends!

Also, on the roomie...it's truly a place you can learn to not let the sun go down on your anger - as Luci Swindoll says, "Anger is like wet cement, it hardens overnight." Also, it is where you can learn to choose not to cling to your rights - a great help in marriage (i'm sure but don't know cuz I'm not married!)

Congrats on teh house - thank God - have a great first month!

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, so I've started to dive into your blogs, as you suggested, and I must say that with each post there is a sense of freshness that I love. This is particular stuck out for me, because the whole roomate thing is totally a stretching experience, and I find great value in your words of kindness towards your old and new roomies. I look forward to much more movie nights and Felicity (I hope no one reads this). Take care mi amiga.

1:37 PM  

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