Tuesday, January 23, 2007

All things new...

Tell me your thoughts on this lyric. What does it mean to you?

This world would sell me lies, and tell me who I am
A sinner, not a saint; my failures would agree
But your love whispers hope
Of what is and what will be

Let me live what is real
True life, your life
My life in you
All things new
All things new

The truth of who I am lies only in your eyes
Where my broken soul is whole, my blackened heart made pure
And all that I can be
Is already who I am

Let me live what is real
True life, your life
My life in you
All things new
All things new

He who knew no sin became sin for us
That we might be the righteousness of God
And now we are the righteousness of God

Let me live what is real
True life, your life
My life in you
All things new
All things new

(c)Lorie King 2005

Here is a link to the actual song. It's the second one (um, thus the title).


Blogger Katie said...

Ok, so what does it mean to me? Bear with this rambling of thoughts:

The struggle to live life as redeemed and yet sinful. We are at once already glorified with God, made new, accepted by Him, and yet still doing the exact things that would separate us from Him, that would cause Him to look upon us with judgement. And while we know that we are secure in Him we look at ourselves with new eyes seeing exactly what it is that causes His wrath and our well-deserved judgement without Christ.

The struggle to live in both states, saved and a child of God but in a body that at times might wish for the old life of depravity. Looking at a world that only wants to take our eyes off not only our Creator but our Savior and Redeemer, to make us doubt His love and His acceptance. To live as sinners and as saints, wrapped up in one body. To know scarred by our sin and yet to Him we are perfect and holy.

I guess the line that wraps it up for me is "and all that I can be is already who I am". And then the chorus, "Let me live what is real . . . my life in you"

P.S. I like this :)

1:44 PM  
Blogger Bobby said...

I like that it explores the truth of our reality as the righteousness of God, in Christ.

And I like it because it was the first worship song that the gremlin wrote all by herself.

Sniff. My little girl is all grown up. Sniff, sniff.

2:35 PM  
Blogger Lorie said...

Thanks for your thoughts (and tears). I was wondering if it is too vague and the meaning/connection between verse/chorus/bridge is clear.

Katie, that is one of my favorite lines, too. And the whole song was inspired by the verse in 2 Corinthians 5, that says: "God made him, who had no sin, to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God." Wow.

And to think that I can never be more righteous before God, or need any more spiritual resources, than I am/have right now in Christ...

11:52 AM  
Blogger Eddo said...

I'm at Starbucks and so I can't listen to the song at the moment, but I really enjoyed the lyrics. I think it speaks of us being a new creation in Christ. I also like the use of the verse at the end...

God made him who had no sin, to be sin for us, so that in him we could become the righteousness of God.

Very cool.

11:16 AM  

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