Something to reflect on. We will serve a master whatever or whoever that master may be. Yet Christ did come to bring a certain freedom - a freedom from our bondage to sin.
thanks for your insight yesterday. After a 3 hour meeting the church voted to accept his resignation. It was a very close vote, 186-158. I feel at peace about the decision. Anxious to see what happens next. I think a couple of the staff will have to go through the same thing. Funny how we as people can get things so messed up. Please keep us in your prayers. thanks again!
Thanks for the update! And I'm glad God gave you a peace about things. Again, your commitment to searching the Scripture in situations like that is an encouragement to me!
And, yes, we ARE a screwed up bunch, aren't we? :) But for the grace of God...
Hey Lorie! I'll be back at Sojourn the beginning of August.
Boy, do I miss the 'Ville.
Romanos 10:13
Como dizem as Escrituras Sagradas: "Todos os que pedirem a ajuda do Senhor serao Salvos."
Something to reflect on. We will serve a master whatever or whoever that master may be. Yet Christ did come to bring a certain freedom - a freedom from our bondage to sin.
thanks for your insight yesterday. After a 3 hour meeting the church voted to accept his resignation. It was a very close vote, 186-158. I feel at peace about the decision. Anxious to see what happens next. I think a couple of the staff will have to go through the same thing. Funny how we as people can get things so messed up. Please keep us in your prayers. thanks again!
Thanks for the update! And I'm glad God gave you a peace about things. Again, your commitment to searching the Scripture in situations like that is an encouragement to me!
And, yes, we ARE a screwed up bunch, aren't we? :) But for the grace of God...
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