If you're looking for love...
I just stumbled upon this webzine yesterday and it has some GREAT articles! Check it out at Boundless.org. There are articles about all kinds of stuff, but here's an editorial (or book review, or something) on a très interesting-sounding book on singles who want to get married: Read here.
Follow some of the "related links" at the end of the articles, too. Good stuff.
Here's an excerpt from another article on singles looking for mates:
Are you a single Christian man who desires to be married? Let me help. I have an idea for a personal ad:
"Single Christian male (SCM) seeks single Christian female (SCF) to love as Christ loved the church, to give himself up for her to make her holy, to love as he loves himself (Eph. 5). SCF must be absolute physical knockout (no one scoring below 9.0, please), must love to talk politics and sports, and must possess a laundry list of pre-decided personal characteristics so completely that SCM is convinced no better option could possibly be available within the next decade."
Oh, you're a single Christian woman? No problem:
"SCF seeks SCM to submit to in everything as to the Lord, to respect, to serve, to follow and to be led by in discipleship and ministry, to trust as spiritual leader of the home, and to serve Christ with for the next several decades or until Jesus comes back. SCM must possess total confidence (but can't be cocky and must trust SCF's opinion in all things); must be devastatingly handsome but have no idea that he is; must be exquisite interpersonal communicator who enjoys nothing more than long, conversations about the relationship; must understand SCF completely; and must otherwise fit description of how SCF thought 'The One' would be since SCF started thinking about it at age 11."
Nice. Unfortunately, all too true to form...if we're honest.
Devastating in it's grotesque, yet all-too accurate, caricature of our desires.
I read the article that you quoted, and "wow"... I think that is such a powerful message that today's christian single people need to hear. It made me think about my own view about attraction and "chemistry" in my marriage. Good stuff!
Wow I will definatly have to return to this one....kinda funny how the famous Dr. Mohler has a link at the bottom of the article. He is in everythign these days isn't he?
lorie (I remembered the e this time), i keep coming back to read this article and then get busy with work (ah work the interrupter of all my free time); but I'm reading (slowly) it and as a aformentioned SCF it's both funny and disturbingly all too accurate.
Ok, so I'm not quite sure how I feel about the book being reviewed. I find it interesting that there is a battle brewing out there in the Christian world of singleness vs. marriage as if they two things were not only mutually exclusive but also at odds with each other. Since when did we have to determine that one state is better than the other and are either so good (or so horrible) that you have to attack the other to make one look better. I'm not sure if I subscribe to either camp on this issue if it says that I am any less of a person (or a believer at that) because I'm single or married.
Funny how this is an area that we'll always be talking about.
Yeah, it is definitely a subject that gets a lot of play in Christian circles. I agree with you Katie.
Rereading my comment, I think I came off a little harsh (cring). I guess I was just trying to state that while there seems to be good conversation about this topic (and hello you're either single or married so you're gonna talk about both) but I'm not sure if all the conversations are beneficial. So I'm open to conversation and these articles have got me thinking and obviously talking so that alone is probably a good thing.
I've read parts of Maken's book, but not all, so I'm commenting on my limited knowledge...but, I've had to talk through this with some gals who have read it...
I agree with much of what she says, but as an over 40(barely!)never married woman, I take offense at her implication of supposed "failure" of not marrying in my youth. Much of that is attibuted to the lack of men who take the lead and pursue. Well, newsflash, that's my generation's problem and unless I wait until the next one grows up and I'm Demi Moore marrying Ashton Kucher, I'm sunk. :) Yes, I desire marriage and I know that's how I was created, but I can't just "conjure" up a suspect. :)
Like Katie, I don't want to sound harsh here, but I don't need another book telling me how we failed in raising this generation. As a single woman, I deal with it daily.
I tell girls all the time..."Singleness is no more a punishment for disobedience than marriage is a reward for obedience." Serve God. Love God. And enjoy the abundant life you have, always being ready for the blessings around the corner.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox now. ;)
Somewhere I recall the Apostle Paul raising singleness as being the better path but that being married is no sin.
I think scientific studies do confirm that married people are generally happier than single people and generally more healthly. But there are a multitude of reasons for that some of which I believe to be that married society and single society finds it hard to integrate each other together in their lives, interests, needs, and activities.
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