Where's Evangeline...?
I found a link to this site that will figure out what celebrities you "look like" on Rose's blog. Apparently my cheekbones are the most prominent thing about me... And, yes, that middle picture is me---a little thinner and with slightly over-penciled eyebrows, but me...
at least the first one that came up for you wasn't a DUDE!
Yikes! What dude? (THAT is the question...)
I had THREE dudes . . . ugh do I really look that manly. *sigh*
My first was Lance Bass...ugh! But I look more than 70% like Evangeline...
LOL. It cracks me up that ya'll are apparently amazons. Hahaha!!!
None of mine contained any women, so I'm good to go. And of COURSE it said I looked like my ol' pals Matthew Fox and Johnny Depp. You can see the rest of my results for free on diasinger.blogspot.com
Hahaha... basically I got a bunch of people with funky glasses. First Janeane Garofolo, and then a whole lot of people I vaguely recognized, and then...
Elvis Costello.
Maybe I should try a picture without my glasses.
Annette Benning! I'll take that!
Lorie.. I just read your comment on Katie's blog about Chia Pet hair. Oh, how I feel your pain. Especially now that my hair is short! It's driving me CRAZY!
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