It makes no sense...
So I saw this thing on one of the morning shows as I was getting ready for work today at the gym about one of the Christian programs that seeks to “reform” gay teens and adults. They had two program “graduates” who ended up on opposite spectrums of thinking in terms of the validity, and in fact safety, of the program. This one guy, who had decided that the program was wrong and dangerous (and chooses to embrace his homosexuality), said that is was so because 1) the program preaches exclusion whereas Christ preached inclusion, 2) the program deconstructs the participant’s life and leads them to self-hatred, 3) the program doesn’t achieve true results, merely behavior modification, if anything, that leads to more self-denial and self-hatred, and other such arguments of this type.
The other guy now works for the program. The host asked if his attraction to men had changed because of the program. The guys said that, no, his attraction had not changed but his behavior had, because of his faith. And the host quoted him as saying that he now has “guardrails” in place that will allow him to marry a woman. The guy said that, yes, he now had “guardrails” to help him keep his behavior in check. The host asked if he would be forthcoming with this information to a girlfriend or a wife, to which he responded, “Absolutely.” The lady then went back to talking to the other guy about how he thinks the program is dangerous...and that's when I had to jump in the shower.
Here’s what I don’t get----the common defense for homosexuality (that it is what certain people are attracted to and therefore they should be allowed to embrace that) makes NO sense in a broader context. Just because a person is “attracted” to something, does this mean that they need to act on that attraction? I mean, come on. Pedophiles are “attracted” to children. Does that mean that we let them “be who they really are”, or do we recognize their behavior as deviant and expect them to modify it (whether the actual attraction ever changes or not)? Many kids are “attracted” to violence and fire and other dangerous obsessions, but do we not teach them that these things are wrong and deviant and need to be controlled? Alcoholics (or even people born with a physiological or mental propensity to addictive behavior such as drinking) are extremely “attracted” to alcohol, does that mean that it’s okay for them to drink? I mean, it’s just so crazy to justify this one type of deviant and unnatural behavior JUST because it is what the person is “attracted” to!!!
Not to mention the fact that there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, natural about homosexuality at all, especially as an alternate sexuality. A human embryo requires both male and female chromosomes in order to develop. The structure of male and female genitalia provide a compatible and complementary structure, something that does not occur intra-gender. I mean, it just makes NO sense how our society can rationalize this as anything other than deviant behavior. Don’t they think that people with other types of unhealthy “attractions” are “born that way”? Why don’t we let them remain as they are and live out their “true selves”?