Thursday, November 30, 2006

So you wanna date...

I've recommended it before, but had gotten a little behind in my reading, and just returned to today to peruse. People, check out this site. I think they have so many good and fresh things to say about how to honor God in our romantic lives. Sure, a lot of us feel that the topic of dating has been beat to death (by bashing singles over the head) in the church, but that's what I'm saying---these writers do NOT take that approach! And it's what I appreciate so much. This is more real-life stuff, talked about in a sensible and honest way from a biblical perspective.

Apparently they're starting a new series of articles on biblical dating, which will feed off of reader responses/questions. Here's an excerpt from the first article:

Basically, we can make three general statements about modern dating vs. biblical dating in terms of their respective philosophies:

1. Modern dating seems to be about "finding" the right person for me (as my friend Michael Lawrence has written on this site); biblical dating is more about "being" the right person to serve my future spouse's needs and be a God-glorifying husband or wife.

2. In modern dating, intimacy precedes commitment. In biblical dating, commitment precedes intimacy
[emotional or physical].

3. The modern dating approach tells us that the way to figure out whether I want to marry someone is to act like we are married. If we like it, we make it official. If we don't, then we go through something emotionally — and probably physically — like a divorce. In biblical dating, Scripture guides us as to how to find a mate and marry, and the Bible teaches, among other things, that we should act in such a way so as not to imply a marriage-level commitment until that commitment exists before the Lord.

That, my friends, is good stuff. Can't you relate, and see it at work around us?!

SIDENOTE: Um, I have a FREE TICKET TO SEE RAY LAMONTAGNE IN CONCERT TONIGHT. Mike Cosper is, officially, awesome.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Come all who are weary...

So, I'm in the throes of a cuh-razy busy week. But I just keep looking at this page hoping to see something new...and then realize that it would, um, be up to ME to make that happen...

Here's an exerpt from The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis that a friend sent me today and which spoke directly to my heart because of my own aversion to humility and discipline. We were actually talking about this same thing at our weekly community group last night. The beauty and awkwardness of the gospel is that it is in my weakness that I'm made strong and Christ is glorified.


And, thank God.

It is not our strength but Christ’s grace which can and does accomplish such great things in us. Christ’s grace enables us to embrace warmly those things from which we naturally recoil. It is not our nature to bear the cross, to love the cross, to discipline ourselves, to avoid seeking praise, to suffer insults willingly, to think humbly of ourselves, to appear humble to others, to endure adversity and loss, and not to seek prosperity as our first goal. If you take a look at yourself, you will see that you can do none of this alone, but if you confide in the Lord, he will give you heavenly strength and all that you have chosen to do will become easier. You will not even fear your enemy, the devil, if you are armed with faith and sealed with the cross of Christ.

Monday, November 20, 2006

If you can believe it...

It snowed here last night. SNOWED. Good grief. I wonder if we're in for a doozy of a winter...

A few years ago we had a BIG snow the week of Christmas. My roommates and I were worried we'd be snowed in and unable to travel by plane, train or automobile to be with family for Christmas. It all worked out, but it made for a couple of days of fun---a few friends ended up having to crash at our place one night because of the weather and the next morning one of them hiked through the winter wonderland back to his house, brought his four-wheeler over, and towed us around the seminary campus next door on a little wooden sled. Until the wooden sled started breaking apart and sending splinters into our nether-regions...but, still, good times. :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

If I've said it once...

...on another person's blog, chances are you might not have read it. Since I don't have anything earth-shattering or awe-inspiring to share with my cherished readership (um, that would be you) at the moment, I thought I'd let you in on the stories---personal anecdotes, if you will---that I've posted as comments on other people's blogs in the past.

On K8y's blog, in response to this post:
Speaking of chia pets...

I got my hair trimmed last week. On a dreary, rainy day. Now, mind you, I have naturally curly hair, and lots of it. So, after she'd finished trimming, my stylist asked if I wanted her to leave it curly or dry it straight.

We both glanced towards the big picture windows and the bleak landscape outside and I said (knowing that if she tried to "fix it" curly, it would be HUGE or abnormal looking), "Maybe we could do something in between?" To which she gleefully replied, "Yeah! Let's see if we can get a wavy look out of it..."

Then she grabbed a brush and a hairdryer and went to town. Within minutes I looked like a walking (well, I was sitting, but you know what I mean) chia pet. Ridiculous. So she straightened it, but in a hurry, since she had a client after me.

I was meeting a friend at the mall right after my hair appointment. Leaving the hair place, I had to stand in the rain before I could cross the street and get to my car. So, by the time I got to the mall my quasi-straightened hair looked liked I had a cocker spaniel toupee laid over it. Nice. Better than a chia pet, though, I GUESS...

On Eddo's blog, in response to this post:

I have a cat. She's pretty cool-looking, with these HUGE very green eyes (she's grey). But she's somewhat annoying because she's a love-hog and "talks" ALL the time...

Anyway, my youngest brother was up visiting me not long after I'd gotten her and we were in the living room. He was petting her and talking to me. All of a sudden, he goes, "This is the cat of my dreams!"

Thinking it weird that he could see the summation of all good pet qualities in my crazy cat, I skeptically replied, "Really?!"

(totally seriously) "Yeah, when I was in Brazil, I dreamt that I was fighting a demonic cat!"


Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm a winner not a whiner...

Chirky (aka. Jes), whose oh-so-entertaining blog I discovered as a link on K8y's, held a cooking tip contest. And I, among many others, posted some helpful (or random) little tidbits for the benefit of fellow food lovers and preparers all throughout the blogosphere. Cooking, and especially cooking for others, brings me joy. I come from a family of women who show love and hospitality through food (which is both a blessing and a curse), and it is a legacy that I proudly carry on. So I shared two of my most beloved and helpful kitchen secrets, barely making the deadline.

Imagine my surprise and delight when I received an email informing me that I had been hand-chosen by the very selective committee (okay, Chirky herself) as a WINNER in the contest, in the category of Most Useful tip! And, better yet, she requested my address in order to send me my PRIZE from the Storage Closet o' Goodness! I can hardly wait! Whatever shall it be?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Another one of my faves...

This is old school. A little-known cut off of SCC's Heaven in The Real World album. I've always loved---and identified with---this song. "Just as I am, not as I do"---thank God for grace. And the miracle of mercy.

Miracle of Mercy

If the truth was known and a light was shown
On every hidden part of my soul
Most would turn away, shake their heads and say,
"[She] still has such a long way to go."
If the truth was known, you'd see
That the only good in me is Jesus

If the walls could speak of the times I've been weak
When everybody thought I was strong
Could I show my face, if it weren't for the grace
Of the one who's known the truth all along?
If the walls could speak, they'd say
That my only hope is the grace Of Jesus
Oh, it's Jesus

But, oh, the goodness and the grace in him
He takes it all and makes it mine
Causes his light in me to shine
And he loves me with a love that never ends
Just as I am, not as I do

Could this be real? Oh, could this be true?

This could only be a miracle.
This could only be the miracle of mercy.

written by Steven Curtis Chapman c1994 Sparrow Song (a div. of The Sparrow Corp.)/Peach Hill Songs (BMI)

Behind the Song:
(Micah 7:18; 1 Tim. 1:14-16; Titus 3:5-7)

Don't be jealous...

It's all a farce. :) (But do you guys remember those little books in elementary school that had these little people in them? They were so cute!)

People Envy Your Confidence

You have the attitude and self esteem to take on anything. Failure is beyond not an option for you - it doesn't even cross your mind.
People envy your ability to take on any challenge ... and they're secretly afraid you think you're better than them. You don't. You're just sure of yourself.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Where's Evangeline...?

I found a link to this site that will figure out what celebrities you "look like" on Rose's blog. Apparently my cheekbones are the most prominent thing about me... And, yes, that middle picture is me---a little thinner and with slightly over-penciled eyebrows, but me...