The time has come...
Even though our church is theologically reformed and Baptist by denomination, we do highlight the Lenten season. We had an Ash Wednesday service early yesterday morning in which we focused on confession and repentence.
Our pastor said that usually people give up something relatively trite for Lent---chocolate, or sugar, or caffeine---and complain about doing without them for the full forty days of observance. And, for some people, perhaps those things are valid and meaningful sacrifices. I know I, personally, have used Lent in the past to make lifestyle changes that I should have made regardless. And, again, not that that's a BAD thing... But Daniel encouraged us to think hard and seriously about what we can sacrifice that is keeping us from seeking God. I was struck by that and something immediately came to mind.
Therefore, for the next forty days, I am abstaining from my TV shows*. Those of you that know me well will understand how much of a sacrifice that is---two whole week nights and multiple hours of escapism and vicarious living. But that loss is nothing compared to finding and knowing more of the lover of my soul, and generally being more productive and able to invest in the lives of other people.

In no way, shape, form, or stretch of the imagination does this Lenten fast make me more or less spiritual than anyone else. And I'm sure that I will need to remind myself of that when I start to feel smug (because that's just how I am). But I do want the accountability of having people know of my commitment. I look forward to sharing with you what God teaches me and does in my life during this season!
Are you giving up anything for Lent?
*I am, however, continuing to watch LOST because it is a weekly social event hosted at my house. It's kind of a community-building event.
You know what, giving up TV would be huge for me (and that makes me just a little sad because it shouldn't be that hard). So without inflating your ego, I will say "way to go choosing something that is a sacrifice for you personally".
P.S. I won't tease you by mentioning what's going on with all the shows we have in common :)
I'm Baptist too and a few years ago I gave up watching TV for lint. My girlfriend at the time gave up something. I think of all the things I could have given up that was the best thing. After a couple of days I just didn't miss it.
Katie, bless you. :)
~Jef, cool!
Good idea... remember back in November my hubby and I shut off our cable? well we are just now (actually this coming sat) hooking it back up! But it took me almost a month to stop missing it ;)
Lorie, I gave up TV last year for Lent and I have to say, as TV-addicted as I was, I didn't really miss it either after a few moments of, "Dangit, I'm missing..." on Tuesday nights or whatever. I stopped caring, which was totally liberating.
And as an added encouragement, TV plots are so thinly spread that you can really come back a couple months later and be caught up in a matter of minutes. ;)
Wow! That's great! I don't know if I could give up American Idol this time of year.
Oh, sorry, I realized that the placement of that was weird -- it sounds like I'm criticizing the previous person's comment! I'm not, really. I'm watching American Idol right now, and the men are LAME!!
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