Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Here you go...

FINALLY! HERE is the promised excerpt from the Nancy Leigh DeMoss (& Tim Grissom) study, Seeking Him, that we've been doing on Fridays nights. This is how they illustrate the difference between mercy and grace:

If a young man is killed through some random act of violence, and his father tracks down the guilty person and kills him, we would call that vengeance. If, however, the father calls the police and the murderer is arrested, tried, convicted, and executed, we'd call that justice. If, at the trial, the father pleads for the guilty man's life to be spared and the judge and jury consent, we'd call that mercy.

Now imagine this: in addition to pleading for the guilty one to be spared, the father actually appeals to the judge to release the offender into his custody and care. Miraculously gaining approval, the father takes the young man into his heart and home, adopts him, and raises him as his own son...that would be grace!

And I think that is a very beautiful picture of God's way with us---his mercy spares us the punishment for our sin. His grace goes beyond that to not only make us acquitted, but accepted and loved and cherished inspite of our rebellion and trespasses. Amazing, grace. Isn't it?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Something to chew on...

"I was not born to be free. I was born to adore and to obey."

- C.S. Lewis

This is the true design for man. And we ARE always obeying and adoring SOMEthing...be it ourselves, our idols or God.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

When you're in a pickle...

I was going to title this one "For the ladies...", but let's not discriminate. This is an equal opportunity blog, if nothing else.

Now, by way of a disclaimer, I am not a fan of violence and/or bodily injury in general (younger siblings don't count). But there is some wisdom to being prepared to defend oneself in a dangerous situation, should the need arise. As your friend, I am hereby offering a little self-defense training on how you, too, can properly administer a head-butt to an offending party---again, only should the need arise.

Just be sure to use the following tips (courtesy of the concerned protectors at the Hubbard Township Police Department in the lovely state of Ohio) to make it safe and effective:

(NOTE: These tips come from an actual police department.)

1. Tilt your head slightly downward, clench your teeth, and stiffen your neck muscles.
2. Frown. Frowning will help focus your energy, and your attention at your forehead.
3. All you do now is sneeze! AT-CHE-W-W-W-U! Use, more or less the same motions with the headbutt as you do with a big sneeze.
4. Heads are quick and easy to move around, so you must be careful when guiding in on your target. Be careful not to hit any hard parts (his forehead or the top of his head).

You're welcome.