Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What's in a song...?

So I've been wondering for months where this Watermark cd that I'd recently gotten had disappeared to and...lo, and behold...yesterday on the way home from work I notice that it's right there in the stack under my cd player in the car. I'm telling you---it was NOT there before, but there it was! So I popped that bad boy in and was once again amazed and refreshed by the fabulous lyrics on the album. Whether or not you like the style or polished production of the music, there are so many brilliant and worthy themes on this piece that I LOVE it. Here's a little taste:

My Covering
Artist: Watermark
Album: The Purest Place

I died in Your death my Lord
Glory, glory to Your name
Buried in the grave with You
Glory, glory to Your name
And I arose with You my Lord,
Glory, glory to Your name!

Your blood is my covering
My sheltering, where life comes from
Your blood is my innocence
My righteousness, where I begin

Once so far, I am brought near
Glory, glory to Your name
Raised and seated up with You
Glory, glory to Your name
And reconciled to God in You
Glory, glory to Your name!

Your blood is my covering
My sheltering, where life comes from
Your blood is my innocence
My righteousness, where I begin

Death has no victory
Sin has no hold on me
I'm covered in my Christ who is my life....
And I arose with You my Lord
Glory, glory to Your name
Glory, glory to Your name

And Your blood is my covering...
Oh Lord, its where I begin
Your life, Your love, Your blood falls over me
And Your blood is my covering....
Your love it falls over me
And your blood is my covering...


Blogger Emily said...

I'm so glad you found your cd... I had to go buy a new one when I got home from Brazil. But I have been listening to it almost constantly. So powerful, did you know that they are retiring? So sad...

1:48 PM  
Blogger Bobby said...

I appreciate the resurrection thread that runs throughout the song. We shouldn't, can't divorce the atonement from the resurrection. The resurrection proves the atonement ("If Christ is not raised, your faith is useless -- You are still in your sin." -- Paul)

There are some great lines, too. And Christy Nockles has a wonderful voice. I'm sure we haven't heard the last of either of them, even if they won't be doing more Watermark projects.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Lorie said...

What I love os that it's not just about Christ's resurrection---it's about MY birth from death to life IN his resurrection. Something we so easily forget when we're feeling the weight of the struggle between our old and new natures...

2:08 PM  

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