Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm a winner not a whiner...

Chirky (aka. Jes), whose oh-so-entertaining blog I discovered as a link on K8y's, held a cooking tip contest. And I, among many others, posted some helpful (or random) little tidbits for the benefit of fellow food lovers and preparers all throughout the blogosphere. Cooking, and especially cooking for others, brings me joy. I come from a family of women who show love and hospitality through food (which is both a blessing and a curse), and it is a legacy that I proudly carry on. So I shared two of my most beloved and helpful kitchen secrets, barely making the deadline.

Imagine my surprise and delight when I received an email informing me that I had been hand-chosen by the very selective committee (okay, Chirky herself) as a WINNER in the contest, in the category of Most Useful tip! And, better yet, she requested my address in order to send me my PRIZE from the Storage Closet o' Goodness! I can hardly wait! Whatever shall it be?


Blogger Bobby said...

I don't know what it will be, and I didn't know about the contest, so of course I didn't enter. But if I had, I'd of won. I'd probably given the recipe for "Special." No way to compete with that, really.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Lorie said...

Awww, it's so cute that you think you would have won with your macaroni and tomato juice concoction! Way to think positive, little trooper! Good on ya!

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naw but I bet my recipies would have done a good is a great tip, if you want to boil water turn the stove on, if you want to preheat or bake turn the oven on. Hard lessons for free!

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Tom. Your suggestions definitely are HELPFUL. I can't imagine boiling water without first turning on the stove. ;) (Unless you set a pot of water on my sidewalk mid-August. That might work, too.)

Lorie, this weekend I worked on your prize. I hope to have it in the mail SOON, SOON, SOON!

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lorie! OK.. I need your help. I would love to be able to slice veggies in such a nice fashion, but I think I need a diagram.. or a video or something. This is beyond my comprehension. :) (I'm serious.)

3:19 AM  

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