Tuesday, October 31, 2006

On a day like today...

I have NEVER even seen a town that celebrates and decorates for Halloween as much as Louisville. It's crazy! Wish I had pictures to show you just what I'm talking about---but, for the sake of a mental picture, let's just say it's like Griswold's Halloween in many, many yards about town.

What I DO have a picture of, however, is the Cutest Little Nephew In The World. And he's all mine. :)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The hard truth...

You cannot grow in grace to any high degree while you are conformed to the world. The life of separation may be a path of sorrow, but it is the highway of safety; and though the separated life may cost you many pangs, and make every day a battle, yet it is a happy life after all.
- Charles Spurgeon (I think)

Friday, October 20, 2006

If you're looking for love...

I just stumbled upon this webzine yesterday and it has some GREAT articles! Check it out at Boundless.org. There are articles about all kinds of stuff, but here's an editorial (or book review, or something) on a très interesting-sounding book on singles who want to get married: Read here.

Follow some of the "related links" at the end of the articles, too. Good stuff.

Here's an excerpt from another article on singles looking for mates:
Are you a single Christian man who desires to be married? Let me help. I have an idea for a personal ad:

"Single Christian male (SCM) seeks single Christian female (SCF) to love as Christ loved the church, to give himself up for her to make her holy, to love as he loves himself (Eph. 5). SCF must be absolute physical knockout (no one scoring below 9.0, please), must love to talk politics and sports, and must possess a laundry list of pre-decided personal characteristics so completely that SCM is convinced no better option could possibly be available within the next decade."

Oh, you're a single Christian woman? No problem:

"SCF seeks SCM to submit to in everything as to the Lord, to respect, to serve, to follow and to be led by in discipleship and ministry, to trust as spiritual leader of the home, and to serve Christ with for the next several decades or until Jesus comes back. SCM must possess total confidence (but can't be cocky and must trust SCF's opinion in all things); must be devastatingly handsome but have no idea that he is; must be exquisite interpersonal communicator who enjoys nothing more than long, conversations about the relationship; must understand SCF completely; and must otherwise fit description of how SCF thought 'The One' would be since SCF started thinking about it at age 11."

Nice. Unfortunately, all too true to form...if we're honest.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

When it don't come easy...

I love me some Patty Griffin. In fact, I would LOVE to go see Patty Griffin at the Americana Folk Festival this weekend...but, alas...

So, here's a little something for you. I love this song. And today it seemed to say something for me better than I could say it myself, so I decided to share. You're welcome.

Red lights are flashing on the highway
I wonder if we're gonna ever get home
I wonder if we're gonna ever get home tonight
Everywhere the waters getting rough
Your best intentions may not be enough
I wonder if we're gonna ever get home tonight

But if you break down
I'll drive out and find you
If you forget my love
I'll try to remind you
And stay by you when it don't come easy

I don't know nothing except change will come
Year after year what we do is undone
Time keeps moving from a crawl to a run
I wonder if we're gonna ever get home

You're out there walking down a highway
And all of the signs got blown away
Sometimes you wonder if you're walking in the wrong direction

But if you break down
I'll drive out and find you
If you forget my love
I'll try to remind you
And stay by you when it don't come easy

So many things that I had before
That don't matter to me now
Tonight I cry for the love that I've lost
And the love I've never found
When the last bird falls
And the last siren sounds
Someone will say what's been said before
Some love we were looking for

But if you break down
I'll drive out and find you
If you forget my love
I'll try to remind you
And stay by you when it don't come easy

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A little soul-searching...

What is your reaction to these questions? What are some of your answers? Honestly, these kinds of questions freak me out a little...

• What’s my purpose in life?
• What dreams do I have for my life?
• What am I doing now to reach my goal?
• What really excites me?
• Where do I spend my time?
• Where do I spend my money? What do I like to give to?
• Am I really living life on purpose, or merely letting life happen to me?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Is he/she "The One"...?

Here's Emily's latest post on the idea of "The One" Perfect Mate. I've posted a comment with some thoughts on her blog, but tell me what you think.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Just for you...

I got this today from my dear friend Lawrence. It's attributed to Saint Theresa, and is a great prayer. It is my prayer for you, my brothers and sisters, today. I need it to.
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let his presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

Be free.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

And your point is...

I'm taking a class called "How People Change" through Sojourn's School of Gospel Transformation. As I was doing my reading last night, I came across this:
...What are you living for? What is your goal in life? Every time you raise your voice at your child or give your spouse the silent treatment, you hope to accomplish something. What is that hope? What is that goal? If you work sixty-five hours a week, you have a purpose in mind. Certain hopes and promises are directing your life. What are they?

If I'm honest, my goal is usually to satisfy myself or be recognized. I work a full-time job because I want money to buy the things I want, be able to travel, maintain a certain standard of living. I live to get the things I want---an easy life, more free time, social interaction, convenience and fame. Even when it comes to posting blogs, I think about what will make me seem the wittiest, the most spiritual, the coolest. My goal is to glorify myself. My hope is most often that someone will like me, want me, please me.

How about you? What are you living for?

Monday, October 09, 2006

A natural woman...

It's definitely the "naturally trippy" option...

You Are Surrealism

Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own.
It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy.
You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society.
You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

In case you're wondering...

...the Limited Edition Reese's Cup with Marshmallow is not very tasty. Too sickly sweet. Maybe I should have had one of these instead...

You Are a Jam Cookie

On the outside, you project a straight-laced, innocent vibe.
But on the inside, you're complex, exotic, and full of flavor.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

In other words...

Since I'm somewhat lax on inspiring blogs myself these days, I figure I'll just steal someone else's words. Check out this fabulous post on contentment. And tell me what you think.

The relationship is the reward...hmmm...food for thought. And sanctification.