All you need to know...
Some people started this little game... And now it's my turn:
Six Weird Things About Me
1. I have a kind of phobia of deep-sea things---like, looking in a book of pictures of the depths of the ocean. Now, mind you, I love to swim and I love the beach. But I do NOT really like looking at pictures of underwater wonders. I can do it. Because I'm not a TOTAL wuss. But I don't like it. And I don't like any water creatures touching me when I'm in the water. Just ask my friend Dave about our snorkeling experience at Discovery Cove. He's lucky he still has both arms...
2. When I am relaxing, or going to sleep at night, I rub my feet together in a rhythmic fashion. It could be considered kind of cute. Right?
3. I think cabbage is delicious. In many forms, including boiled.
4. My other strange phobia has to do with museums. I like them, but I do NOT like being surround by life-like exhibits (like wax figures, or taxidermied creatures) on all sides (like in a big open room with exhibits all around you, or a hallway-type setup where you have things behind glass on both sides of you). It very much gives me the willies. So I have to hold on to someone.
5. According to my colleague (when asked what is something weird about me), I talk to myself. Out loud. When I asked, "Really?" she rolled her eyes and said, "I have to ask you so much if you're talking to me or not!" Um, since there ARE only two of us in the office...
6. Very few things gross me out or embarrass me. At least I think so.
Those of you who know me---whether for real or virtually---can add your two bits (since I know you will anyway, Gilles). I couldn't think of anything else. Because I'm so NORMAL...
The little grossing or embarassing isn't a surprise, but I'm wondering what you would do with pyrogys filled with saurkraut(a cabbage product). It was a staple in last night's dinner and is not uncommon in this region settled 80 years ago by Mennonites, Ukrainians, and Pollacks.
I'm curious, however, about the 'happy feet' thing...what kind of rhythm is it? Syncopated, bossanova, medium shuffle, or swing? :D
Actually, I LOVE pierogies. Or however you spell it. I also like sauerkraut, believe it or not. The combination isn't a logical one to me, but---hey!---neither is cantelope and milk gravy, but THAT'S delish, so... :)
I'd say my 'happy feet' rhythm is more a slow waltz... :)
I remember those "happy feet". Especially on a cold night. I could hear them scrapping together across the room.
For those of you who don't know, I was one of Lorie's roommate in school. So get your minds out of the gutter.
We were housemates post-school, too, let's not forget. AND we've known each other since we were babies.
For the record, my happy feet do NOT "scrap".
"2. When I am relaxing, or going to sleep at night, I rub my feet together in a rhythmic fashion. It could be considered kind of cute. Right?"
I could go on and on about other oddities, but let's focus on this one. I remember being at your old house not long after we became friends, watching a movie on the couch. I was squished into the corner of the couch because you had chosen to lay across 95% of it, and your feet were next to me.
I started hearing a noise. I was interested in the movie so it took awhile to notice it but it was an unescable squeaky noise coming from the region near your feet. Taking furtive glances, I finally figured out that the noise was caused by your incessant foot-rubbing on top of the leather couch.
I thought you were doing it on purpose to annoy me so I just sat there the whole time, thinking, "If she thinks this is going to get to me, she's got another thing coming. I'll just act like I don't notice a bit."
Perhaps that's why, subconsciously, I was driven to stab your foot with a fork those many moons later.
Famous last words...
"an unescable squeaky noise coming from the region near your feet."
You say pierogie, I say pyrogy...let's call the whole thing off!
"cantelope and milk gravy, but THAT'S delish"
..ok, THAT didn't make the weird list? :)
HA, these were great and yet a little odd, but then again that's the point of all of this isn't it
P.S. I too talk to myself, but I've come to terms with it. In fact, I'll have a long conversation, out loud mind you, on car trips. But if we both do it then I think it counts as normal.
Perogies (my preferred spelling) are delicious. I would eat one filled with kraut, I would eat one...can't think of a word that rhymes with kraut. I guess turning all conversations into a Dr. Seuss book is my weird thing...
You are learning, little grasshopper (regarding the foot rubbing).
Wait! Do YOU do the foot-rubbing thing, too?! Who knew?
Yeah, my mom always used to hate it when I was a kid because (of course) I'd sneak into her bed when my dad was out of town, and she'd say my (very non-scrappy) foot-rubbing kept her awake. :)
Sarah: I would eat one filled with Kraut/ I would eat one with some trout/ eating them's what life's about/ those things make me twist and shout ...
There go my Christmas ideas for you. . . I guess you won't be getting that stuffed herd of elk I ordered for you this year any more. I thought they'd look nice in your living room. Oh well.
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